Dessert Recipes Uncategorized

Strawberry Cupcakes

Strawberry cupcakes

2/3 cup fresh organic strawberries (1/3 after pureed)

1 1/2 cup all purpose flour

1 tsp baking powder

1/4 cup rice milk

1 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract

1/2 cup Earth balance dairy free, soy free butter substitute

3/4 cup white granulated sugar

1/2-3/4 cup no sugar added applesauce or 3 egg equivalent Ener G egg replacer


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In your food processor puree your fresh prewashed and stem removed strawberries, set aside. In your large bowl with a hand mixer cream your butter substitute then add your sugar and cream using your hand mixer. Then add in your applesauce and vanilla and mix some more. Then add in your strawberries and mix. Then add in your flour and baking powder and mix well. Then in your prelined 12 cupcake pan scoop your batter into each cupcake liner about 3/4 full. Use a cupcake scoop to make them more even. Bake for 18-20 mins watching them near the end so they do not burn. Pull out and check using a toothpick into the center. If it pulls out clean then it is done. Set on top of the stove to begin the cooling process. Then move to a baking rack or other surface to finish cooling. Because there are no eggs and these are more dense than regular cupcakes they require you to be more gentle after baking or they will fall apart. Once completely cooled you may frost them using our strawberry frosting recipe below.


3 Tbsp of the leftover strawberry puree from your cupcake puree

1 cup Earth Balance dairy free, soy free butter substitute

3 1/2 cups of powdered sugar

1/2 Tsp Pure Vanilla Extract

In a medium-large bowl add your butter substitute with your vanilla and strawberry puree. Then using a hand mixer blend on low. Begin to add in the powdered sugar slowly until all incorporated. Once finished you may choose to scoop it into an icing bag and place in your refridgerator for 10-15 mins to harden a little before icing your cupcakes. Once hardened you may begin to ice your cupcakes. I tend to use a wilton 2C tip in a disposable icing bag. Squeeze the bag while icing the cupcake in a circular manner from outside to infinishing with a dollop in the center to end which gives you your tip. I also prefer to top with a single fresh strawberry, but you can top with whatever you choose. Enjoy!!


Recipe adapted from Sprinkles Starwberry cupcake and frosting recipe.

Sarah Plato

I am a mother of two Allergic kids, one of whom is severely allergic to Dairy, Eggs, Peanuts, tree nuts and shellfish, moderate to Soy and coconut. I have had to learn how to cook a lot from scratch in order to have food in my home that is safe for my family to come in contact with and to eat. I personally don't want anyone to feel left out ever and I especially don't want my children to not be able to enjoy at least some of the same foods just because they are allergic to basic ingredients. So with some good motivation I have taught myself how to cook and bake and I have come up with some great recipes to share with the world. I want to make it easier on other people in similar positions. Hopefully I can help other people to be able to also enjoy foods that previously would have been thought to have been off limits.

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